School Council


SMPS Council Logo

A Message from the Steve MacLean School Council (parent council)

School Council positions:

There are 12 elected parent members (voting positions) on the SMPS School Council. Past council members are happy to provide orientation and support to parents who are new to council to properly transition each role!

Why should you join the SMPS Council or attend our meetings?
The council is made up of community-oriented, involved, caring parents, just like you. The principal, a teacher rep, and a staff rep are also council members, and they and the vice -principal(s) attend all meetings — a great way to get to know school leadership and fellow parents!

Parents and guardians of SMPS students are always welcome and encouraged to attend Council meetings held on the fourth Wednesday of the month in the school library at 6:30pm. Our meetings include updates from the school administration and planning/progress reports for council initiatives. Discussions are always open to the floor and the council and administrators welcome all input. Parents will receive notice of upcoming meetings through the school e-news blasts, and it includes how to access the agenda — any parent can identify an agenda item they would like to add including event ideas they would like to lead.

Purpose of SMPS Council:

  • Improve pupil achievement and to enhance the accountability of the education system to parents.
  • Review the school’s action plan for improvement and contribute to the plan by offering advice and actively soliciting feedback from the parent community.
  • Assist the principal in achieving the objectives set out in the school’s action plan for improvement.
  • Facilitate effective, two-way communication between the principal and the parent community.
  • Share information with parents and the community members and seek their ideas and views about matters under consideration by Council.
  • Take a lead role in celebrating the successes of the school.
  • Conduct fundraising initiatives to support the objectives of the school.
  • Promote parental involvement in the school’s success in as many areas as possible to enrich the school’s environment for its students.

The Council runs occasional fundraisers as well as the popular pizza program to fund learning enrichment opportunities for the students as well as identified needs for the school. We also host several events throughout the year for SMPS families to come together as a school community with many volunteering opportunities! Some of our annual activities and funded initiatives include:

  • Pizza Program
  • Used Book Sale
  • Halloween Dance
  • Learning Enrichment
  • School Gardens
  • Family Carnival

You can find us on social media: Please reach out to James Shouldice at [email protected] if you have any questions!


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